preorder campaign for WHEN THE TRUTH UNRAVELS
I am so excited that my book comes out in SIX WEEKS that I am launching a preorder campaign to celebrate! Here’s how you enter: Send proof of preordering (email or screenshot) to OR Send proof that you requested the book at your local library (email or photo of a submitted request form) OR […]
Successful query
One of the trickiest things in querying is when you have a manuscript with a multi-POV cast. My debut, WHEN THE TRUTH UNRAVELS, is multi-POV so I feel your pain. Here is the query that caught my agent’s attention, in case it helps anyone out there in the query trenches! Dear XXX, Elin Angstrom […]
stops and starts, puppies and books
Sometimes it feels like writing flows like a river. My current book idea is not like that. Two days ago I was writing (trying to catch up on my JuNoWriMo goals) and I realized I’d made a huge mistake with my character’s motivation. And it was both exhausting and exhilarating — exhausting because I had […]
Why publishing is a lot like dating
I have been wondering how to write this post for nearly six months. In case you’re wondering why ye olde blog has been super pathetic lately, that is mainly why. A long time ago, I wrote a cryptic post that suggested I had good news. April 2013, in fact. And at the time, I thought […]
the long game
Writing for publication is a rough business. There’s the indecision and self-doubt while you’re drafting and editing. The rejection as you try to first find an agent, then a publisher. And then if you are lucky enough to get published, you just can’t control whether your book sells well or not–which may affect your prospects […]